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Let's talk about Anxiety

"I sought Yahawah and he heard me, and he delievered me from all my fears."~Proverbs 34: 4

Anxiety is definetly a mood killer. It will and can affect your whole day in just the snap of your fingers. It can stop you from enjoying life, being with loved ones, and even make you a recluse in your own home. Anxiety will make you rethink lots of things by just simply holding you hostage. 

I myself suffer from anxiety. I have suffered from it even before I understood exactly what it was. Lots of factors have played into my own anxiety including social, nutritional and health factors. Doctors are quick to prescribe certain drugs without really finding out the source of said anxiety. It's something that has no boundaries whether you're a man or woman.  Women especially suffer because it affects not only our social lives, but you add in hormones and it just makes certain situations 10x worse. 

The Most High clearly knows that we're anxious. He gives reassurances about it throughout the Word and explains exactly what to do whenever we have that feeling. Now I don't always follow thru on what I'm supposed to be doing in regards to that, but when I do, I feel a sense of peace and comfort. Praying to the Most High WILL help ease your mind especially with anxiety. And yes when you trust the process, it does work. 

Are you feeling anxious? Stop what you're doing, go to your quiet place, and go have a conversation with The Most High about what's making you anxious. Speak to him about your burdens and just let it all out! When you're done, you will feel so much better! 

Have a great day Sis! 


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